

Born in 1996 in Montpellier, my name is Ame BLARY, I am 27 years old and I am a photographer. After a Diploma of Specialized Educator at the IRTS, many encounters and various professional experiences, I chose to devote myself to photography, as an evidence. 


Queer and activist, I felt the need to translate and represent my peers and their struggles quite early on. Photography as a medium, I discover my identity, and understand the urgent need that drives me to militate through the artistic prism. Deconstructing, reconstructing alternative norms, identities, masculinities and femininities, my work will quickly turn towards commitment to my community. I very quickly understood that my work would be political and committed.


 My artistic approach stems from several observations, including the lack of representation of minorities and especially of their bodies. My work is mainly articulated around bodies, their singular story(ies), flesh and skin. These bodies that protect us, that we don't cherish or that we reject. Those who keep track of their life paths, emotions, and the stigmata of each person's obstacles. 


To be able to immortalize these moments of self-discovery, anchoring or even changes. 

Being a fat person myself, I was, during my adolescence, subjected to school bullying as well as cyberbullying. My body, overflowing with standards, has therefore not managed to anchor itself in the normative space. The standard, thin above all, glorified by society, pushed me to represent another standard. 

Orange is the central point of my creations and my individuality. Orange, a symbol of joy, of expression of emotions, of human contact. Trained as a specialized educator, this color has always resonated with me as an evidence. Today, it appears in my photos as a mark of a new space-time. One in which self-expression is master, and the possibility of a performance of the being is advised. 


An artistic work mixing poetry of the soul and poetry of the body.

Ame by néo (scenographer artist)

(Re) constructing, (re)building, it is through his camera that Ame

accompanies me in my gender transition. He surveys, reveals, and highlights every aspect of my identity in an orange tinged with its singular contrasts. He photographed with gentleness, benevolence, sensuality and intensity my gender dysphoria, my questions, but also and above all my discovery and apprehension of my own body through my trans identity.


Ame reveals, represents, and values queer identities, their ills, their questioning, but also and above all their humanity and depth of soul. 

Ame takes us into the intimacy of those we don't talk about, and testifies to a queer love. Self-love, love for/love of one's fellow human beings, and how, as a queer person, the journey towards a healthy relationship with one's self can be complex.


Ame by Laure from Sismique & Sensuelle

Ame uses his camera to push the brambles away from a thorny path where everything has to be cleared. IHe establishes a neutral and soft ground to build one's identity and watch that of others take shape.


In the tumult of the outside, the cold, the dangers and the sideways glances, Ame returns to the essential. Love for one's soul and body. Whatever definition we want to give it – love is lived without labels.


The point of convergence of his work is always a suave torpor of love that is experienced in the orange softness of an alcove, arms and caresses.


He takes care of others as well as himself.


In his voice, in his eye – I felt myself – as certainly all his role models.

I invite you to share this unconditional and powerful love as seen through the Ame's eye.