
Kaouteur Souibgui is a French artist born in 1978.

Currently, she works in Grenoble as a visual artist, collagist "tearer". She regularly participates in international art competitions; she recently received the first prize of the international art competition Artcertifcate in the drawing/collage category. She has already exhibited in Corsica (in Zevaco), Grenoble, Paris, Milan, Monza (in Lombardy) and New York.

Kaouteur has no training or particular artistic reference, which makes her a self-taught person in her purest form.

This status gives him both great freedom and originality, which allow him to constantly experiment.

She also claims to be a member of the international collective Déstructuralisme Figuratif, whose artistic convictions she shares.

In no way does it seek to reproduce reality but prefers to transcend it.

Like her venerated Charles Baudelaire, she likes to repeat: Nature is ugly, and I prefer the monsters of my fantasy to positive triviality.

Therefore, whether on the scale of painting, collage or sculpture, she proposes to redefine the notion of aesthetics in the light of her own emotions and inventions.

Kaouteur by Camille Strub (Art Gallery's assistant)

Finding an echo in the verses of Charles Baudelaire, the artist, the true artist, the true poet, must paint only according to what he sees and feels.


True to his own nature, Kaouteur seeks to go beyond established artistic standards by mixing traditional techniques with those of his imagination.


Indeed, this immersion through the sole flaw of imperfection, allows the artist to image a growing obsession for the fantastic drifts of his mind.


Thus, like her model poet, the artist becomes the translator of this forest of symbols that society represents, visually questioning viewers about conventional notions of aestheticism.


A member of the collective Déstructuralisme Figuratif since October 2022, Kaouteur plays with codes and plays with established artistic concepts to reveal works that transcend reality, sucking us into a second universe.


Promising, the artist is represented by several art galleries, during exhibitions and competitions, seducing spectators with a hypnotic and original visual aspect.

Kaouteur by Laure , Sismique & Sensuelle's founder

Kaouteur is a force. 


She observes – she takes – she deconstructs – she re-constructs and then she gives – fully. 


She is perfectly and entirely herself. Kaouteur is a beautiful – complete – powerful woman. 


The images are verbs that she selects, conjugates and then assembles to send a personal message.


Here she gives voice to the human body. 


Let's go for a walk on the chosen curves of his erotic mosaics.